
Model Factory


What is UPRM Model Factory all about?

    The Industrial Engineering Department has established a high-tech, " for profit" business in one of its laboratory facilities. The initiative has been labeled the UPRM Model Factory and includes a printed-circuit assembly line. Its initial customer is a local medical device company, EBI. The final product to be assembled operates as a healing bone accelerator. Currently, the manufacturing line operates every workday from 7am to 7pm in the assembly of three distinct products for such device: Charger, Display and Driver. Up to date, UPRM Model factory competes with other manufacturers by offering a high quality PCB layout assembly at a lower price.


How is this lower price possible?
   The production line provides an in-house operation with the participation of graduate and undergraduate students from multiple areas of Engineering such as: Mechanical, Industrial, Electrical and Computer Engineering. Besides their technical background, they are trained in order to ensure high performance during operation of the factory line. The combination of both engineering problem solving skills and manufacturing interaction, allows the operation to experience continuous improvement. As result, a high quality product is delivered to the customer at a lower price than the rest of the market.