
Latest News

Fall 2017


Summer 2017

  • Congratulations to Beatriz, Coral, and Bethsymarie who graduated this semester!

  • Congratulations to Dr. Almodóvar who was awarded the 2015-2016 distinguished professor of chemical engineering!


Spring 2017



Fall 2016

  • Congratulations to Beatriz Quiñones who had an abstract and a travel award to present at the 2017 Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference in STEM in Washington DC!
  • Our recent work on electrospinning composite collagen/HA fibers was published in MRS Communications! Congratulations to David and everyone that contributed! Check it out here.
  • Congratulations to David Castilla who had an abstract accepted to present at the 2016 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN!
  • Congratulations to David Castilla and Luis Pinzon who both had abstracts accepted to present at the Puerto Rico Science Technology and Research Trust 1st Forward Research and Innovation Summit in San Juan, PR!
  • Dr. Almodovar was awarded a research grant from the NIH/NIGMS PRINBRE Developmental Research Development Program to develop biomaterials for neural tissue regeneration.
  • Congratulations to Beatriz Quiñones who was accepted to the 2016-2017 Undergraduate Research Program of Puerto Rico Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (PR-LSAMP)!


Spring 2016

  • Our first peer review manuscript is published in Macromolecular Materials and Engineering! Congratulations to David and everyone that contributed! Check it out here.
  • Congratulations to Beatriz Quiñones who was awarded the Insititute for Functional Nanomaterials (IFN) Summer Undergraduate Internship!
  • Congratulations to Beatriz Quiñones who had an abstract accepted to present at the 2016 Symposium on Biomaterials Science at Rutgers University!
  • Congratulations to David Castilla who successfully defended his master thesis! 
  • Congratulations to Beatriz Quiñones who had an abstract accepted to present at the XXI Sigma Xi Poster Day at UPRM!
  • Congratulations to Beatriz Quiñones and Edwin Burgos who both had abstracts accepted to present at the 6th Annual Research Symposium of the Asociacion de Estudiantes de Medicina de Puerto Rico in San Juan, PR!
  • Congratulations to Beatriz Quiñones and Edwin Burgos who both had abstracts accepted to present at the JTM/PRISM 2016 Undergraduate Research Symposium at the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, Ponce!


Fall 2015

  • Congratulations to David Castilla who had an abstract accepted to present at the Society of Professionals Hispanic Engineers annual meeting in Baltimore, MD!
  • Congratulations to Carol Rivera who had an abstract accepted to present at the URGREAT-MBRS-RISE Undergraduate Research Symposium at Universidad del Este, Carolina, Puerto Rico!
  • A proposal submitted by Dr. Almodóvar to the NSF EPSCoR/RII Start-Up Funds for new Faculty was approved for funding!


Spring 2015

  • A proposal submitted by Dr. Almodóvar to the Department of Defense for the Acquisition of Infrared Variable Angle Spectroscopic Ellipsometer was approved for funding! 
  • Congratulations to Adriana Mulero who was accepted to the NNIN-iREU (National Nanotechonology Infrastructure Network-International Research Experience for Undergraduates) to work in the Tissue Regeneration Materials Unit, at the National Institute of Materials Science in Tsukuba, Japan during Summer 2015!
  • Congratulations to Carol Rivera who had an abstract accepted to attend the 8th NEA Science Day at UPRM!



Fall 2014

  • Congratulations to Bethsymarie Soto as she was accepted to the Puerto Rico Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation undergraduate research experience program!
  • Congratulations to Bethsymarie Soto who had an abstract accepted to attend the Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference in Washington DC!

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