

J.A. Woollam Infrared Variable Angle Spectroscopic Ellipsometer (IR-VASE)



This powerful and verstile instrument is the most accurate for optically characterizing surfaces in the infrared spectrum. It provides accurate optical constants, film thickness, chemical information, semiconductor doping levels, and phonon absorption spectra. It has the capability to study liquid/solid interfaces, common in both biology and chemistry applications. The instrument comes with unique accessories that expand its usability including a thermal stage, a stage for liquids & pastes, and a translational stage. 


Nanostrata Stratosequence VI Dipping Robot

This equipment allows for the automatic construction of Layer-by-Layer films. A six beaker capacity allows for the construction of films of multiple composition. Samples may be rotated and/or dried with a nitrogen stream.


Homemade Electrospinning Equipment

An enclosed (with controlled humidity) electrospinning apparatus with an adjustable rotating mandrel collector (0 - 3500 rpm), high-voltage (50 kV max) power suply, and syringe pump. 


PerkinElmer Spectrum Two FTIR Spectrometer

PerkinElmer Spectrum Two FTIR with modules for ATR or Transmission mode.


QuantStudio 3 Real-Time PCR System


Olympus CKX53 Inverted Fluorescent Microscope