Travel to San Juan, Puerto Rico
Air Transportation

From Europe
Most international arrivals to Puerto Rico originate from the mainland USA.
Currently, the only two direct flights with Europe are Condor leaving from Frankfurt,
and Air Europa leaving from Madrid.
Passport and Visa Requirements
There is no passport requirement for U.S. citizens for direct travel between the mainland and Puerto Rico. They must, however, carry a government-issued photo ID.
Non-U.S. Citizens have the same passport and visa requirements as for entering the United States.
Ground Transportation
Taxi Service
Taxi service between the San Juan airport and the Condado Plaza Hilton costs approximately $20.00.
Look for the white taxis with the official logo and the “Taxi Turistico” on the front doors.
You will find taxis located outside baggage claim at the airport.
Shuttle Service
Shared shuttle service using Puerto Rico Shuttle requires advance reservation. The fare to the Condado Plaza Hilton is about $18.00. To make a reservation visit Puerto Rico Shuttle website or by phone at: (787) 400-2100. Puerto Rico Shuttle also offers private car service at a considerable charge.