
Export Controls

UPRM Export Control Rules

Resources for Researchers

The University of Puerto Rico (UPR) Handbook of Policies and Procedures for Sponsored Programs stated that "each campus/unit must establish written internal guidelines to comply with these regulations" (page 95).  On December 5, 2014, UPRM Administrative Board approved the UPRM Export Controls Rule (Certification Number 13-14-153).


Purpose of the Rule

The UPRM encourages service and research activities that are conducted openly and without prohibition on the publication and dissemination of the results.  UPRM personnel and students engage in a broad range of innovative and distinguished research both in the United States and outside U.S. borders. These activities include the sharing and development of products, goods, hardware, software, or materials (hereafter referred to as “items”), as well as research involving technology that may be subject to U.S. export control laws and regulations. The purpose of this rule is to provide publicity and clarification of the essential aspects of the laws and regulations concerning exports for the benefit of the University community, reaffirm our commitment to compliance, and explain how the University will provide our researchers, faculty, staff and students with the assistance they may need to ensure compliance with these laws.

The laws and regulations governing exports are detailed and complex. Employees with responsibility for UPRM’s export-control compliance program, or whose duties include a significant amount of work with foreign nationals, will be offered formal training sessions on the U.S. export-control laws and regulations, and their applicability to their jobs. All employees with managerial or supervisory authority over foreign nationals or projects involving materials or technology subject to export controls should consider export-control compliance as an important part of their daily responsibilities. It is particularly crucial to establish early in the process of any international collaboration the potential requirements for export-control authorization.

Fortunately, the majority of research, teaching and services conducted at UPRM are not subject to export control regulations, either because it does not involve export-controlled information and technologies, or because the research qualifies as excluded or exempted under one of the export control regulations.

If you have any questions regarding the UPRM Export Control Rule, contact Dr. María Amador-Dumois, Interim Export Control Officer, Research and Development Center, at extension 5344 and via e-mail at exportcontrols@uprm.edu.