
AECiMa Activities

AECiMa's Recent Activities

AECiMa's Recent Activities

Educational Outreach

"Image of AECIMAS outreach"

On November 2014, we had an educational outreach at Leonides Morales Rodriguez School. We thank Mrs. Ana Mulero, and Mrs. Maricela Ramirez for making it possible. Also to the presenters, Nick Hammerman, Yariela Guma, Jeffry Morales, Luis Pomales and Mariana Careli for their presentation and enthusiasm to educate local students about Oceanography, careers in this field and its global/ local importance.


Community Service

On September 2014, we participated in the National Beach Clean Up. Our members helped the community of Aguadilla by cleaning Crash Boat beach, a highly visited location. We had a dive crew to pick up trash underwater and a land crew compossed of different local entities such as Boy Scouts, U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps (Mahan Division) and high school students. Thanks to Gualberto and Natalia who were the captains of the beach. Also thanks to our divers who did a great job underwater and all those people that helped with the organization in land. Thanks to El Mesón Sándwiches and members from the Asociación de Estudiantes Graduados de Biología from RUM (AEGB) for collaborating, we look forward to keep working together in the future. The executive board is very proud of AECiMa's members and will keep promoting this kind of activities.

"Image of AECIMAS outreach"      "Image of AECIMAS outreach"