
Export Controls

Training Information

Resources for Researchers

Export Control Export at UPRM

UPRM will provide up-to-date continuous virtual and in site training on export controls to researchers, research administrators and, staff involved in export related transactions. Researchers in export-controlled projects, particularly projects related to defense, military, space and “dual use” articles and services must attend these trainings before any proposal or transaction is submitted or executed.  The Office of the ECCO will keep a record of training assistance and assessment. The UPRM Research and Development (R&D) Center’s website will provide the Associate Research Deans, faculty, staff and students with a calendar of internal training opportunities, internal and external web-based training resources.

If you are interested in taking a training seminar in UPRM please click on the following link that will send you to the Export Controls Training Calendar

Link: http://uprm.edu/cms/index.php/page/2241


CITI Online Training

Being an investigator in any field there are occasions where one might need to conduct an investigation on human beings. In order to protect the rights of human beings under investigation federal regulations were written. In these such cases an investigator would need to receive permission from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) to conduct the research.

The University of Puerto Rico: Mayaguez pays for annual subscription for students, professors, and other employes to be allowed to train themselves in this specific area using the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative- CITI

To proceed with the training provided by the CITI please click on the following link: https://www.citiprogram.org

After registering with CITI you can begin to complete the various training modules that apply to you. 


Export Controls Training

As it is already discussed throughout the website there is no need to repeat the importance of complaince and understanding of Export Control regulations. However, the Bureau of Industry and Science (BIS) provides various training modules that contain the content of their one-day BIS Esstentials of Export Controls seminar. These modules are extremely helpful in providing a general knowledge of Export Controls and how the can affect you. These modules include Export Control basics to the more complicated license application process. 

To view the modules provided by the BIS regarding Export Controls please click on the following link: http://beta-www.bis.doc.gov/index.php/compliance-a-training/export-administration-regulations-training/online-training-room?id=285

If you have any questions about this, contact Dr. María Amador-Dumois, Interim Export Control Officer & Associate Director, Research and Development Center, at extension 5250 and via e-mail at exportcontrols@uprm.edu.



