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A correlational study among scores of the EIWN--R, using the WISC--R norms and the Spanish EIWN--R norms, the Bateria and the GPA with a limited sample of Puerto Rican children
Autor(es)Rodríguez V. L.
TítuloA correlational study among scores of the EIWN--R, using the WISC--R norms and the Spanish EIWN--R norms, the Bateria and the GPA with a limited sample of Puerto Rican children
Editora/UniversidadUniversidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico
Tipo de publicaciónTesis
Prueba(s) relacionada(s)
Dirección WebEIWN-R
Sometido porLuisa Guillemard

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Dra. Luisa Guillemard, Catedrática
Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez | agradecimientos | colaboradores | perfil | administración