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GREEN Adventures | Student Activities & Leadership Development | Pelicula y Pizza! Ven a Conocer la Mujer Real vs. la de los Medios

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Pelicula y Pizza! Ven a Conocer la Mujer Real vs. la de los Medios

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Fecha del Evento: Miércoles, 6 de Marzo de 2013
Hora del Evento: 5:30 p.m.

     Watch Trailer

5:30PM Registro

6:00PM PIzza! y refrigerios y dinámica de Posters: Escribe con Marcadores tu sentir.

6:30pm Pelicula!

Sustentabilidad de Género: No es Sostenible para ninguna sociedad, que el 51% de sus habitantes no tenga acceso equitativo a su desarrollo en todos los ámbitos. Esto afecta la economía y los adelantos científicos que benefician a todos, entre otros.

Description: Veremos un documental que trata sobre la diferencia entre la mujer real y la que presentan los medios, y luego tendremos una breve dinámica al respecto.

AUSPICIAN: Alpha Delta Kappa (ADK), Asoc. Féminas en Ing. Mecánica(AFIM), Society of Women in Engineering (SWE), Sororidad Sigma Delta Nu (ΣΔΝ), IEEE Women in Engineering (WiE) y Campus Verde Colegial (CVC)





Número de participantes: 120

Lugar del evento: S 113

Dirección: RUM, Mayagüez, PR

¿Quiénes pueden participar? Personal y Estudiantes con ID

Dueño del equipo: Campus Verde and UPRM Engineering

¿Dónde se van a reunir?

Hora: 5:30pm

Lugar: Lleguen temprano para comer PIzza y Refrigerios y Registrarse.

Relevo de responsabilidad:

Disclaimer: We hope that you will learn from each film, but we also encourage you to seek out a balanced source of information. For instance, many of the films are NOT balanced; some in fact may be inflammatory. So use your discretion and note when exaggerated strong negative adjectives or phrases are used in the films to promote fear, such usages as “disaster”,  “slaughterers”, “baby killers”, “dumb”, ”stupid”, ”tragedy”, ”catastrophe”, or “we are making a terrible mistake in our policies”. While you may agree with some of the negative language, most documented films with reliable sources use MODERATED adjectives. Also, most trustworthy films suggest information and solutions on how the human species can deal with our current and future problems, such as running out of resources and destroying valuable habitat.

Our policy is to use the Internet Movie Database ( whenever possible. IMDB uses ratings generated from citizens around the world. If you wish, you can register at IMDB and cast your vote. To help with your scheduling, we also will try to post the runtime for each film, and to provide you with some additional information (year, tagline/plot 

Fotos del evento:

A photo
Eventos RUM

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Eco CineEco Cine
(787) 832-4040 x2444
SH 205 RUM
Espacios: 114
Estatus: Disponible
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