Friday, December 5th 2008 [ versión español ]
High School students saw demonstrations and exhibitions of the academic programs from the four UPRM Colleges.
“The future of Puerto Rico is here today at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez (UPRM), we are honored by them and committed to them.”
That is the statement that UPRM chancellor, doctor Jorge Iván Vélez Arocho, made in the presence of over two thousand high school students from both public and private schools throughout the Island, at the Rafael Mangual Coliseum. The Open House was part of the project Dare to Study at Colegio… We want you, which was carried out by the Office of the Dean of Academic Affairs, last November 21st, 2008.
The Chancellor, who took advantage of the opportunity to greet possible future members of the University, noted that the Open House is carried out with the interest of attracting the best students in Puerto Rico to the four UPRM Colleges.
“We have 13,300 students and our goal is to maintain this number, raise the number of graduate students, and to be able to present the best offerings and the best programs that the Country can offer,” said Vélez Arocho. He mentioned that even with UPRM being as highly competitive as it is, the University has the best retention rates on the Island.
Doctor Sonia Bartolomei Suárez, UPRM professor of Industrial Engineering, explained that the activity was carried out with the objective that high school students could gather information about what the UPRM has to offer.
“We are inviting all of the students from public and private schools in all of Puerto Rico to feel compelled to study at the University of Puerto Rico, more specifically at UPRM, a highly prestigious institution which offers 52 different academic programs,” informed the professor.
Doctor Bartolomei Suárez, who also acts as the executive coordinator for the Pre-University Link of the University of Puerto Rico System, explained that this is the second Open House that has been carried out at the Mayagüez Campus this year because “we want to be considered as their choice of study.”
“If they decide to take the challenge and study at UPRM, they will be able to grow in various prestigious careers and will eventually become part of Puerto Rico’s professional class,” she said.
Bartolomei Suárez added that at this time, the program is currently in the enrollment process through which students can apply for admission to the University until December 15 of the current year.
Students like Chun Ming Ng Mei, who is a senior at Lares Christian Academy, affirmed that the activity was “very interesting” since he is already planning to begin his studies in the UPRM Civil Engineering program, in August of 2009. Accompanying him was a fellow classmate, Julimar Soto who sustained that the event helped students to learn about their options of study. The Open House was directed towards sophomore, junior, and senior high school students. They enjoyed exhibitions from all of the UPRM academic programs, as well as presentations carried out by artistic groups from the Band and Orchestra Department. Also, teaching staff and other university employees were available at information tables to answer the student’s questions.
The second Open House was organized by a committee presided over by professor Freya Toledo, whose members belong to various UPRM departments.
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Administrative and teaching personnel oriented students about the educational opportunities available at UPRM.
This is the second Open House carried out this year.

More than two thousand students from public and private high schools throughout the Island participated in the Open House.

One of the principal attractions of the even was Tarzán, the UPRM mascot.

Groups from the Band and Orchestra Department, here the Marching Band and Las Abanderadas, were also present at the activity.
Photographs by Carlos Díaz / UPRM Press