

Peer-Reviewed Articles


Vega-Figueroa K., Santillán J., Ortiz-Gómez V., Ortiz-Quiles E.O., Quiñones-Colón B.A, Castilla-Casadiego D.A., Almodovar J., Bayro M.J., Rodríguez-Martínez J.A, and Nicolau; “Aptamer-Based Impedimetric Assay of Arsenite in Water: Interfacial Properties and Performance”, ACS Omega, 3(2), 2018, 1437-1444


Ayala-Caminero R., Pinzon-Herrera L., Rivera-Martinez C., Almodovar J.; “Polymeric scaffolds for three-dimensional culture of nerve cells: a model of peripheral nerve regeneration”, MRS Communications, 7(3), 2017, 391-415


Castilla Casadiego D., Maldonado M., Sundaram P., Almodovar J.; “Green electrospinning of a collagen/hydroxyapatite composite nanofibrous scaffold”, MRS Communications, 2016, DOI: 10.1557/mrc.2016.43

Castilla Casadiego D., Ramos Avilez H. V., Herrera-Posada S., Calcagno B., Loyo L., Shipmon J., Acevedo A., Quintana A., Almodovar J.; “Engineering of a stable collagen nanofibrous scaffold with tunable fiber diameter, alignment, and mechanical properties”, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 301(9), 2016, 1064-1075


Caridade SG., Monge C., Almodovar J., Guillot R., Lavaud J., Josserand V., Coll JL., Mano JF., Picart C.; “Myoconductive and osteoinductive free-standing polysaccharide membranes”, Acta Biomaterialia, 15, 2015, 139-149

Monge C., Almodóvar J., Boudou T., Picart C.; “Spatio-temporal control of LbL films for biomedical applications: from 2D to 3D”, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 4(6), 2015, 811-830


Dalonneau F., Liu X.Q., Sadir R., Almodóvar J., Mertani H.C., Brucker F., Albiguez-Rizo C., Weidenhaupt M., Lortat-Jacob H., Picart C.; “The effect of delivering the chemokine SDF-1a in a matrix-bound manner on myogenesis”, Biomaterials, 35(15), 2014, 4525-4535

Almodóvar J., Guillot R, Monge C., Vollaire J., SelimovićŠ., Luc-Coll J., Khademhosseini A., Picart C.; “Spatial patterning of BMP-2 and BMP-7 on biopolymeric films and the guidance of muscle cell fate”, Biomaterials, 35(13), 2014, 3975-3985


Almodóvar J., Crouzier T., SelimovićŠ., Boudou T., Khademhosseini A., Picart C.; “Gradients of Physical and Biochemical Cues on Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Films Generated via Microfluidics”, Lab on a Chip, 13 (8), 2013, 1562-1570

Almodóvar J., Mower J., Banerjee A., Sarkar A., Ehrhart N.P., Kipper M.J.; “Chitosan-Heparin Polyelectrolyte Multilayers on Cortical Bone: Periosteum-Mimetic, Cytophillic, Antibacterial Coatings”, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 110(2), 2013, 609-618 **Article featured on the Spotlights section of Vol 110, Issue 2**


Volpato F.Z., Almodóvar J., Erickson K., Popat K.C., Migliaresi C., Kipper M.J.; “Preservation of FGF-2 Bioactivity Using Heparin-Based Nanoparticles, and Their Delivery From Electrospun Chitosan Fibers”, Acta Biomaterialia, 8, 2012, 1551-1559


Almodóvar J., Place L.W., Gogolski J., Kipper M.J.; “Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Polysaccharide-Based Multilayers: A Spectroscopic Study of Hydrophilicity, Composition, and Ion Pairing”; Biomacromolecules, 12, 2011, 2755-2765

Almodóvar J., Kipper M.J.; “Coating Electrospun Chitosan Nanofibers With Polyelectrolyte Multilayers Using the Polysaccharides Heparin and N,N,N-Trimethyl Chitosan”, Macromolecular Biosciences, 11, 2011, 72-76

Kisiday J.D., Hale B.W., Almodóvar J., Lee C.M., Kipper M.J., McIlwraith C.W., Frisbie D.D; “Expansion of Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Fibrinogen-Rich Protein Surfaces Derived From Blood Plasma”, Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 5, 2011, 600-611


Almodóvar J., Bacon S., Gogolski J., Kisiday J.D., Kipper M.J.; “Polysaccharide-Based Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Surface Coatings can Enhance Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) Response to Adsorbed Growth Factors”, Biomacromolecules, 11, 2010, 2629-2639

Boddohi S., Almodóvar J., Zhang H., Johnson P., Kipper M.J.; “Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Polysaccharide Based Nanostructured Surfaces Containing Polyelectrolyte Complex Nanoparticles”, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 77, 2010, 60-68


Book Chapters

Ramos H.V., Castilla D.A., Vega A.L., Perales O.J., Almodóvar J., “Production of Chitosan Coatings on Metal and Ceramic Biomaterials” in Chitosan-based biomaterials Vol 1, Eds. Jennings A., Bumgardner J., Overend L., Elsevier, 2016, in press.

Almodóvar J.,Castilla D.A., Ramos H.V. “Polysaccharide based biomaterials for cell-material interface” in Cell and Material Interface: Advances in Tissue Engineering, Biosensor, Implant, and Imaging Technologies, Ed. Vrana N., Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 2015, P. 215-244. Print

Gilde F., Guillot R., Fourel L., Almodovar J., Crouzier T., Boudou T., Picart C., “Matrix-Bound Presentation of Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2 by Multilayer Films: Fundamental Studies and Applications to Ortohopedics” in Layer-by-Layer Films for Biomedical Applications, Eds. Picart C., Caruso F., Voegel JC., KGaA,  Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co., 2015. Print.

Kipper M., Almodovar J., “Engineering Soft Nanostructures for Guided Cell Response” in Nanotechnology in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Ed. Popat K., Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 2011. Print.