
 Liajay Rivera García 

e-mail: liajay.rivera@upr.edu


• Hometown: Caguas, Puerto Rico

• Previous Education: University of Puerto Rico at Cayey

• Degree obtained: B.S. in Biology 

• Graduate Advisor: Nikolaos Schizas, Ph.D.

• Area of Specialization: Biological Oceanography

• Research Interest: Molecular invertebrate biology; Phylogenetic systematics; Evolution




My thesis targets the identification of transcriptomic differences on two morphtypes of the  Caribbean  octocoral Briareum asbestinum. The transcriptomic differences of both forms will be identified through the sequencing of their DNA using the Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) application RNA-seq, capable of increasing the sequencing capacity. The genetic information provided will determine whether the morphological differences of the two morphtypes translate to transcriptomic differences and if there is sufficient divergence to regard them as different species. Currently Certified PADI advance diver.

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